Red Rocks

Red Rocks

Sunday, January 06, 2008

The penultimate day of pheasant season

Hunter and I joined my friend Cameron for a great morning of pheasant hunting between Wilton and Washburn. The weather was pretty nice for early January with some chill to the wind when you had to walk into it. We had to work pretty hard for those three roosters but they were mighty tasty as part of a Saturday night feast. I cleaned up the guns and stored them away and will get organized for a couple of ice fishing trips.

We ate some of the new venison sausage for breakfast, and it was a hit. I can only echo our Leader when I say "It's nice to put food on your family."

I see that Mr. Barack Obama is making things really interesting on the Democratic side, and I can't wait to see what the Republicans are going to do with the ridiculous slate of candidates they have to choose from. Just one more year of President "W" and V.P. "He who must not be named". May the world be safe again.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

What I did during my deer season...

As promised, one photo of the boy and me after a three day goose festival. We didn't actually shoot very many of these as we were with the Brother-in-law and nephew. But what fun! There were 50 or 60 THOUSAND Snows on the lower end of the lake, and we'd watch them get up every morning and then chase them around the countryside. Needless to say, we didn't even make a dent in the total numbers. Note to the concerned: most of these ended up as part of a wild game feed so the meat was not wasted. In addition, I shot a really nice doe at sunset on the Saturday of opening weekend. No photo available, but stop by for some terrific venison sausage this winter.