31 degrees and brilliant sun when we buried the old Dad today. They'd cleared a lot of snow so we had someplace to stand. Every step of this process went smoothly; the visitation at the funeral home on Sunday afternoon, the prayer vigil on Sunday night at St. John's, the funeral today at St. John's, and the burial at Rosehill Cemetery this morning.
The outpouring of sympathy from all our old friends and relatives, the neighbors, the parents of our high school friends, etc. was overwhelming- it helps so much to have someone to hang on to when you're feeling a little lost.
Some of my oldest friends- Hubie and Bob- made it to the funeral. My cousins Keith and Marcia and their spouses from the Altringer side were there. Incredible flashbacks to my youth when we would go to Spiritwood for Christmas, and a few Thanksgivings they came up to Minot.
5 days of bad sleep and too many decisions and trying to make things easier for my Mom, and I'm pretty much out of gas. I'm going back home tonight as the boys have to go back to school tomorrow, and I need to get back to work.
I miss you Daddy.
Love, Shorty