Red Rocks

Red Rocks

Friday, January 27, 2006

Which National Anthem?

I've been seething of late about the current Administration's abuses of American freedom. Instead of "enforcing" the law of the land, the President and his posse have just been "makin' and interpretin' those laws" on their own.

In light of the upcoming Winter Olympic games, where some American citizen will win a gold medal and thereby earn the right to mouth the words to "The Star Spangled Banner" on national television, I am proposing a (national) contest to rewrite the words to the national anthem to better reflect our current situation.

At a minimum, you must find something to replace "...the land of the free, and the home of the brave."

Just send me your ideas in the comment section, I'll do my best to sift through and pick out the New and Improved Anthem. If it's really good, I'll send it to one of my favorite blogs where they actually have readers!


- r@fink said...

Okay, the new Anthem wiil be to the tune of "America the Beautiful".....with these words.

America the Lost Liberties

O Bush is boss o'er land and sky
For money rules the day
With copious lies and domestic spying
Be careful what you say!
America! America!
Where can our freedom be
If your skin is dark or oppose the war
Bush has his eyes on thee!

- r@fink said...

Do you guys remember when all we had to worry about was ...."where's the party!"