Red Rocks

Red Rocks

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy EARTH DAY Birthday, Earth Girl!!!!

So at our house the big deal on April 22nd is not 40 year old Earth Day but 50 year old Earth Girl. The boys and I will be taking her out for a very nice dinner tonight to celebrate but since it is a school night (and Hunter has to be on a Bus to Jamestown at 5:30 a.m. Friday morning) any serious Birthday partying will have to wait for the weekend.

Not to get all somber but 50 really is a big deal: a lot of life lived, but lots (we always hope) left. From those humble beginnings in towns like Niobe, Four Buttes, Wolford, and Rolla this beautiful girl got herself an edu-ma-cation at Minot State University and went forth unto the world. The resume is diverse: Television news, academic administration, Airline agent, and most importantly MOM.

All the hard work, all the joys, all the pain, all the uncertainty (what do you mean they don't come with an owner's manual?), the days you couldn't be prouder vs. the days you wonder if human beings do spontaneously combust: Life can be pretty but it is sure as hell messy, too.

I can only tell her that I love her, that my life would not be anything like it is now without her, that "WE" are the best and most important part of my life, that our family makes it all worthwhile and worth waiting for.

I hope to enjoy all the rest of your birthdays with you darlin'.

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